I have low-flying helicopters in my home.
Someone told me that these unsightly disgusting flying things ate mosquitos, so I have been doing my part to save nature and haven't been squishing them.
Turns out, they don't eat mosquitos. In fact, they don't eat at ALL! (No wonder they're so freaking skinny. I'm just sayin...)
I pretty much hate them. They watch me take showers, buzz around my lamps and don't even have the decency to flush themselves once they fall into the potty. I'm afraid to sleep with my mouth open because I just KNOW that one is going to fly into it. G R O S S
Anyhow, after much research... I say: Let the squishing begin!! :D
I rescued my 5 year old from being carried away by this dude. (Think -the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz.) I squished him with my favorite Old Navy flip flop.
Go me!