Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How does one lose a sucker fish?

I'm a pretty good fish owner. I feed them, I clean the tank often... hell, I even rearrange their plants from time to time to mix it up a little for them. (I can only imagine that being a fish is rather boring. Nothing like a big ole' hand coming into your tank to scoot your plants around every few weeks to get the fishie heart racing!)

Last night was a routine cleaning: Remove a good portion of the water, rinse off plants, change filter, etc.

I don't stick my hand into the tank for fun, trust me. My guppies aren't afraid of people and they will swim in between your fingers and actually nibble at your fingers. :shudder: Hrm.. Anyhow, I've had a "sucker fish" for the last 3 years. Ugly thing, but he serves his purpose.

Last night, he wasn't there. (O_o)

I practically stuck my head into the half empty tank, flipping over the pebbles, shiny stones, plucking plastic plants out of the blue gravel, tipping over *fish toys and he was gone!

How does one lose their freaking sucker fish?!

Here's what he looked like.

Lemme know if you see him, he's in big ass trouble for not leaving a note.

*Fish Toys: While my fish can't actually play with toys, they enjoy swimming through holes... believe it or not. So their tank is equipped with a stone-like cave that they can swim through and frolick in.


BML said...

Finding Nemo. Dentist office escape.
That is all I have to say.

Sherilynn said...

: /
Seriously, Brandi - I even stuck my hand down the garbage disposal to make sure I didn't accidently scoop him up and dump him in there with the dirty water. He was huge though, looked like a sand shark...

yourmom said...

I once had an eel that we couldn't find for awhile... we found him in a plant a few weeks later all shrivled up. :0o I guess he got bored and decided to jump out...

Sherilynn said...

::shudder:: I'm skurred... I moved the tank to look behind it, but haven't yet looked behind the bookshelf.