Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Huntington Beach Tar Pits

I betcha' didn't know that good ole' Huntington Beach has it's own tar pits, huh?

For some reason, each and every blasted time I visit this dirty sand/water hole, I come home with tar on my feet.

Today, I figured I'd outwit the Tar Monster and not go in the water. Aha! Sometimes, I'm so clever. *sigh*

I was laying on my belly reading (don't ask me what...*edwardandbellacough*), watching the girls play in the water. I was mindlessly shuffling my feet in the sand... And felt something stick to my foot.

NO FREAKING WAY...!! *augh*


Honestly, I was shocked. In my girl brain, if I stayed out of the water.... I wouldn't end up "tarred" again. Lordy.

OH NO!! I felt something on my other freaking foot!! NOOooOOooOoOO!!

*Author's Note: Yes, that is my left foot, not my hand. I am able to spread my toes much further, but didn't want to freak you all out... I can pick up such household items as blankets, toys and on occasion golf balls.


I bet you are wondering how to remove said tar from one's body, aren't you?

Pumice stone.

But first, you have to let it dry until it's hard... kinda like stale gum. *grimace*

Ask me how much fun it was to cram the pumice stone in between my toes.

Delightful I tell you.

My children and I will only be swimming in Newport's water from now on.


yourmom said...

We used to camp at El Capitan near Santa Barbara and they have a lot of tar too. We used to use lighter fluid to get the tar off. Yeah - like the kind you hose the wood with to get a fire going...

Sherilynn said...

OooOoOoo... Really?! Sounds dangerous... right up my alley! Thanks! :D

Anonymous said...

Ok, that freaked me out... you should have claimed you just have really short fingers... lol ;-) xoxo, BFF.

Sherilynn said...

I do have really short fingers my Bff! ;o) xxoo