Monday, August 11, 2008

Time Out Feet

These are Time Out Feet. When placing a child in Time Out, one must ponder proper placement of said child to ensure complete cooperation with the Time Out Rules.

Time Out Rules

1. Child shall not be placed in front of anything entertaining such as a television.

2. Child must be placed within ear shot of the Time Out Giver.

3. Child shall not be allowed to be within arms reach of toys.

4. Child shall not be given the right to engage with other children not in Time Out.

5. Child shall be made to use the potty before the timer is started for the Time Out session.

Don't ask me for details regarding what she did, I'm still in the recovery process. It involved pumpkin seeds, coffee and the dust buster.

1 comment:

Jenn Davis said...

Don't tell me I can't ask what she did, tell me, tell me!!!

Love the mother of the kid who chewed 95 gumballs and stuck them under his bed.