Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beware of Hugh!!

Aye aye aye.

So... this whole "online dating thing" is insane. (Wait, haven't I said that before...?) I've met some really nice guys who have become my friends now, but so far nothing romantic... I don't think. Sheesh, I don't know.

So, anyhow...A while back, I joined eHarmony. It was recommended by a handful of people who all knew someone who had luck on the site. Great!! NOT.>=[ Holy freakin' crap.

So I was talking to this one guy... Oh, let's just call him Hugh from Westminster, shall we? He's 38, recruiter for the Navy etc. We meet for a bit after work last week at a restaurant near my house. He seems totally cool, but something disturbed the little thing in me known as woman's intuition. Not sure what it was...? OH!! Perhaps the way that he freakin' attacked me with his mouth after only talking for like, a half hour?! *full body shudder* ::insert dry heave here::Anyhowwwwwwwwwww........ yesterday he sent me a text message saying "How about a swim after work?" Wha'....?! I sent him a message back saying "Have kids, no can do." That was the end of it... so I thought!!*DUN DUN DUN*

I had a missed call this morning from Krista, Hugh's 5 month pregnant girlfriend....!!!!!! HOLY SHITBALLS!! So, yea. I called her back... Poor thing.*shaking head* The worst part?? She met him on eHarmony!!! AUGH!!Anyhow, Hugh's havin' a really bummer night I bet - since I copy and pasted his eHarmony profile into an email to Krista.:D

Thank sweet mother of everything holy for my girl friend Julie... I was shaking when I heard the voice mail and she was like "OMG. It's cool, it's happened to me lots of times. Let's go outside so you can call her back. Don't forget to tell her that he kissed you...!" LMAO

Yea. So. I'm officially "taking a break from dating" again.

It hurt my feelings.

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