Saturday, September 27, 2008

Christmas is coming!!


Yea, I know.

Halloween hasn't even arrived yet and I'm already stressing out about Christmas shopping. . .

Can't help it, it's part of my charm.;)

This year has, financially, been a tough one. The soft economy hit and I had a huge pay reduction at the Escrow Co... So, I left for a new job making less money but more stability... lol.*sigh* Then I got laid off.*groan*

Well, I'm at my new job (which I love to pieces) but the pay's pretty sucky.::sigh:: I kinda feel like I'm back at square one, knocked back about 5 years.

Without the risk of sacraficing time with my children, I can't get a 'normal' 2nd job. I'd rather have a super tight budget then to give up that time...

So, I've been pondering ways to bring in some Christmas shopping money.;) I tend to get pretty darn creative around the holidays. 2 out of the last 4 years I have made Christmas Ornaments. One year I spent a total of 80 hours in the kitchen canning salsa... that almost killed me after I accidently wiped my eye with a jalapeno finger.. Salsa's dangerous.

Anyhow, last year I actually started the ornaments from square one: glass bulbs. Paint. Creativity. WALAH! I made about 45 total for friends, family and co-workers. I'm kind of bummed out that I didn't take pictures of them all, no two were alike. Drats.(Hey family and friends that received ornaments from me, wanna send me a snapshot of them? LOL)

Could I possibly sell them this year...?? I think I may try! Each takes me about 2 hours to complete depending on the design you want... With shipping, packaging etc I'm thinking of selling them for about $9 a piece. I have a few pictures of the ones I did last year. Lemme know what you think!

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