Sunday, September 14, 2008


I lost my grandpa today. I'm sad for the loss but grateful that he isn't hurting anymore...

When I lost Gina last year, it pushed me to a point in my life where I needed to re-evaluate who I was as a person. Was I happy? If not, then how was I going to change that? Unhappy with my job? Friends? All of these things can be changed. So I began taking baby steps in a direction that would enrich my life. I cut ties with 'anchor' friends that would willingly drag me to the bottom of a piranha infested swamp just to have me involved in their petty drama. I made a drastic change in employment, which bit me in the ass but I'm glad that I did it because it eventually lead me to an even better opportunity.

I've taken a few months to plant my feet in the 'okay' happiness I've had, not ready to make any tweaks or adjustments to my life. Until now. :)

If something makes me happy, I'm going to do it. (As long as it isn't illegal.. heh..) I will be more cautious about who I surround myself with, no more dating just to fill 'voids'. My words of kindness will flow more easily to my friends and family. And when I say something, I will mean it - good or bad.

*deep sigh*

Bed time.

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