Friday, March 14, 2008

Ask Your Dad!

I have a LOT of siblings, only I'm the only one with "girl parts". I have 6, 7, 8?! brothers. (Really, I stopped counting once I started my own family and my dad kept procreating.)

Last Friday after work, I picked my girls up from their dad's house. We were talking about my girlfriend Amberly who had just given birth to a sweet baby girl that afternoon. (Congrats Amber & Josh!!)

Here is the traumatic conversation I had with 8 year old Madison and 4 year old Catherine on the drive home.

Me: Guess what? Amber had her baby!

Girls: YAY! When can we see her?

Me: Well, they will be in the hospital for a few days and then Amber will need a few days to rest before we go over there...

Madison: Oh.

Catherine: *looking at Madison* Oh.

Madison: We asked my dad while we have bellybuttons.

Catherine: Yea, how come we have 'em?

Me: Well, when you were in Mommy's tummy, that's how I fed you.

Girls: Gross....

::insert little girl brainstorming here::

Me: So, what should we make for dinner?

Madison: Mommy? Uhm, how does the baby actually come out of you?

Catherine: Out of your belly button?

::insert little girl laughing here::

Me: Hmm.. No, the baby does not come out of your belly button, that's silly. So, what should we have for dinner? Corn dogs?

Madison: MOMMY. You didn't answer us. How does the baby come out of you?

Catherine: How?

Me: *deep breath* The baby comes out of your pee-pee.

Girls: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Me: Yes.

Madison: Does it hurt?

Me: More then anything in the world. (Drama queen answer, yes. But I need to put the fear of stretch marks into them at an early age!!)

Catherine: The baby comes out of your pee-pee! The baby comes out of your pee-pee!

Madison: Oh my gosh! Like you pee out the baby...?

Me: No! Uh. It isn't like that! The baby just comes out, okay? My brain hurts from work, let's talk about something else please.

::insert long pause here::

(Side note: Long pauses are never safe. I always know they are plotting ways to give me premature gray hair and an ulcer.)

Madison: Soooo.... How do babies actually get in your tummy?

Me: ASK YOUR DAD!! (Sorry Terry!!)


Mr. Lenard said...
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Sherilynn said...

I was half-tempted to drop them off with the dude changing his flat on the side of the 22 fwy! =) Not that I would EVER do that. *blink blink* But the thought did cross my mind... HAHA!!

TAnzaldi said...

Yes Sheri Lynn they did ask me the other day why they have belly buttons and I wasn't really sure how to answer that one just yet! LOL!

Anyhow your post was great and I know how they are and can actually see them plotting in my mind as I read your post.

Onto the whole, "ask your dad thing." Here will be my response once they hit me with it on Sunday, "Well honey, they are magical and magically placed inside the tummy by God when you are much older, but you shoudl really wait for your magic until your Daddy is dead & gone okay?!LOL!

That kinda saves me from having to chase someone down to break legs, ya?! LOL!

Sherilynn said...

HOLY ...Uhm, HOLY... (can I say crap on this thing?) Ok. Holy crap Terry. LMAO