Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm considering voluntary surgery!

There is a disease that is running through my place of employment and I’m getting nervous that it may be contagious.

It is known as the “Santiago Spread”. It is known by a few other names in the corporate world. (Example: Secretaries Ass).

After doing some research, I believe I have discovered the cause of the beast.

Junk Food.

Our kitchen is always stocked with the following: Cheezits, Pretzel Mix, Candy Bars, Beef Jerky *drooling*, Cup-o-Noodles, Corn-Nuts, Licorice, and a few other things I can’t even look at without gaining weight. Oh, yes. I forgot the fridge that is stocked from top to bottom with soda. *BuRp*

Perhaps my best line of defense in the war against The Spread should be having my jaw wired shut. Insurance should cover a portion of that surgery. I mean, really now, it’s got to be cheaper then gastric bypass surgery, right?!



Reed said...

I'm the worst when it comes to scarfing down junk food. I eat it until I'm sick. My husband just looks at me in dusgust as I assume the fetal position on the couch after eating the whole package of licorice, all the peanut M&Ms and the whole bag of cheez puffs. (sigh) I'm hungry. I'll meet you at the surgeon's office!

Mr. Lenard said...

Check out Precision Nutrition: has information on it.

That's what I'm BACK on now =)